Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips

Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips
The River of Life

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Breakdown Fat

 Did you know that sumac causes an anti-lipase enzyme to speed up the breakdown of fat and oil in your body?  Here's a recipe that is healthy and delicious.


email me if you would like the recipe!
Doctor Lynn

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Got #Tech Neck - Get your #back on Track


Doctor Lynn’s Proactive #Aging #Yoga #Dance Wed @ 10AM PST 1 PM EST

Too much exaggeration in any area along the spine increases the risk of injury.  Our muscles help with every function of the body and provide strength and stability needed for good posture and alignment. One part of the spine the cervical spine is where we experience what is known as tech neck. The cervical spines’ main function is to balance the head. In an ideal position it lines up perfectly with the thoracic spine. We’ve all heard it – stand straight with a soldier’s chin.

The possible cause of cervical misalignment is from the use of cell phones and computers. For example, excessive computer use rounds the shoulders forward and brings the arms across in front of the torso. These types of habitual postures and position can lead to chronic back, neck and shoulder pain.

One way to strengthen the cervical is to go into a plank making sure the feet are flexed, the hips are lowered and make sure the head is lifted and looking straight ahead. Looking down or looking up compromises the spine. Another way is to do cardio like yoga dance. According to exercise that is good for the heart is also good for the spine.  Let’s get started with some yoga dance and a focus on spinal health, because  you are only as young as your spine is strong and flexible.

END: Too much exaggeration in any area in your life will throw you off balance. Stress and burnout are prevalent and when we are stressed, we tend to ignore our posture. Just like the spine we also need mental and soulful alignment, as well as the ability to be flexible. Life will hand you all kinds of experiences; both comfort and discomfort. So, it is important that we are strong, flexible and in alignment ready to face whatever life hands us. This is where we find that sweet spot between too little and too much, and it is here, we find balance body, mind and soul. Seek balance in all things and in all things find balance.

Doctor Lynn

Doctor Lynn’s Proactive #Aging #Yoga #Dance Wed @ 10AM PST 1 PM EST


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Back on Track


Get your #back on track – #spinal column is at the center of human movement - 4 in 5 Americans suffer from back issues. Simple things to improve back health Doctor Lynn’s proactive #Aging #Yoga #Dance Wed @ 10AM PST 1 PM EST


A healthy spine has both inward curve and outward curve allowing the spine to act like a spring structure. Too much exaggeration in any area increases the risk of injury. Muscles help with every function of the body and provide strength and stability needed for good posture and alignment. When muscles work together to stabilize the spine and maintain its natural cure they pull in different directions with little tension. However, if the muscle group pulls in one direction with too much force or for too long the spinal column start to move out of its natural alignment and we end up with back problems. This can be from sitting too much, poor posture, improper sitting at a desk, or overworking the muscles. So, what can we do this week we are going to focus on pelvis posture the ideal sitting position?

In the ideal sitting position body weight falls directly over the pelvis so that you are sitting directly onto the sit bone. The lower back should appear lengthened and not rounded. The goal is to achieve neutral pelvis position because this optimizes muscle strength and muscle balance. To sit properly align the head, ribs and pelvis. Let’s get started

(Sitting twisting posture check hip point and pubic bones on same plane

Don’t spill the water   laying supine imagine balancing a glass of water on lower abs.)

END: A healthy spine has both inward curve and outward curve allowing the spine to act like a spring structure. In yoga the spine is the conduit that allows the chakra energy to move from the root to the top of your head. We need the spine to be strong and flexible in body, mind and soul. Life will hand you all kinds of experiences. Too much exaggeration in any of life’s experiences causes injury and pain so, stay centered, aligned and flexible body, mind and soul.

Doctor Lynn proactive Aging Yoga Dance Wed @ 10AM PST 1PM EST


Friday, December 2, 2016

No More for Now

No More for Now

I won’t be posting on this blog anymore (for now) as I am now posting on and Please follow me on these sites. And of course follow me on Facebook and my blog

 Keep proactively aging!

Doctor Lynn

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Potential for Happiness

 The Potential for Happiness

Contentment brings with it supreme happiness. We all want to be satisfied. But contentment and satisfaction is not the same thing.  Satisfaction never last. That is why The Rolling Stones wrote, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” Many people say, “I will be happy when I get this and I get that, but happiness is never found out there in this and that. To find contentment and happiness you must go to the center of your being. You just need to realize it’s potential.

Consciousness gives rise to all that exist. So if you want to be happy it needs to begin in your consciousness and not outward in the material world. That is why center should be everywhere and circumference nowhere.  Living from your center has the potential to bring you eternal happiness.

Let’s sit quiet for a moment and begin to peel away any layers of discontentment.  Close your eyes and breathe deep. Try to get to the center of your being.  It is a quiet still place where noting exist accept potential. Quiet and still, take three deep breathes releasing yourself from any anguish, fear or desires.

Let’s work on finding our center.


The potential for contentment and happiness exist within you. That is why you should always come from your center projecting it outward rather than drawing from the material world inward in an attempt to find happiness. Stop looking outward to the this and the that in an attempt to find happiness and draw from your center the potential and you will discover eternal happiness.


Doctor Lynn

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Sacred Vessel - Building Healthy Relationships -Proactive Aging

The sacred vessel is the container of everything and everything is in relationship to everything else. Although relationships are important, throughout life, as we age we all realize that not all relationships in life will be sacred. Some will bring us grief, misery and pain. However many will bring us friendship, love and joy  

To build this sacred vessel, we must first be clear about our intentions. Openness is required. We must open ourselves to everyone and to all opportunities, for growth is inherent in all of life. Truth is fundamental – first within ourselves and then extended to others. We must also be committed to nurturing and maintaining the sacred vessel of relationships. Without the walls that form the sacred vessel openness, trust, and commitment we cannot sustain its strength.

Once we have created the sacred vessel, we can use it as the foundation for developing relationships within and without that are healthy and harmonious. Then we can implement certain principles that will act as guides along the path of sacred love.

Build the vessel with openness, trust and commitment.

Doctor Lynn


Thursday, October 6, 2016

In The Blink of an Eye – Proactive Aging

This week a friend of mine who I haven’t seen in several years appeared in my Spin Class. He had moved away and not taken my class for nearly eight years. He moved back to town and reappeared like it was yesterday. Suddenly in what seemed like a blink of the eye we reunited after eight years. Where did the time go? Had we changed? Well, yes we both looked a bit older and we both were a bit wiser.

The blink of an eye is an idiom.  An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally. So although in reality it had been eight years since I had seen my friend figuratively it still seemed like the blink of an eye.

Life is like an idiom.  If taken literally it means existence. The literal meaning of death is the end of existence. It’s plain and simple, or is it?  Is life simply existence that flashes by and ends with death? Or is it like an idiom; not to be taken literally? It means something so much more than it’s literal definition.

The blink of an eye lasts only a tenth of a second. That  is all that is needed to clear away dust particles and spread lubricating fluid across the eyeball. Every time you blink your eyelids send a cascade of oils and mucous across the surface of your eye to keep your orbs from drying out. Blinking also keeps the eyes safe from debris and damaging bright lights.

Why don’t we notice the momentary darkness that is caused by the blinking of our eyes? Scientist tells us that the human brain has an uncanny ability for ignoring momentary blackness. Blinking suppresses activity in several area of the brain responsible for detecting environment changes so we experience the world as continuous. No beginning and no end. So life really is an idiom. It is true the last eight years just flew by. Don’t squander time. Every moment counts because before you know it; it will all be over in blink of an eye.

Doctor Lynn