Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips

Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips
The River of Life

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Potential for Happiness

 The Potential for Happiness

Contentment brings with it supreme happiness. We all want to be satisfied. But contentment and satisfaction is not the same thing.  Satisfaction never last. That is why The Rolling Stones wrote, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” Many people say, “I will be happy when I get this and I get that, but happiness is never found out there in this and that. To find contentment and happiness you must go to the center of your being. You just need to realize it’s potential.

Consciousness gives rise to all that exist. So if you want to be happy it needs to begin in your consciousness and not outward in the material world. That is why center should be everywhere and circumference nowhere.  Living from your center has the potential to bring you eternal happiness.

Let’s sit quiet for a moment and begin to peel away any layers of discontentment.  Close your eyes and breathe deep. Try to get to the center of your being.  It is a quiet still place where noting exist accept potential. Quiet and still, take three deep breathes releasing yourself from any anguish, fear or desires.

Let’s work on finding our center.


The potential for contentment and happiness exist within you. That is why you should always come from your center projecting it outward rather than drawing from the material world inward in an attempt to find happiness. Stop looking outward to the this and the that in an attempt to find happiness and draw from your center the potential and you will discover eternal happiness.


Doctor Lynn

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