Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips

Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips
The River of Life

Friday, August 12, 2016

Slow Down –Proactive Aging

When the moment of slow down comes you will know it. It will most likely come with some aches and pains and a bit of exhaustion.  Slowdown is the voice that says “time to slow down and take a rest or at least pace you.” This is not an easy thing for me to do. Arthritic pain, a pinched nerve and a damaged rotator cuff has brought me to that moment of slow down and reassess. What can I cut out of my day to help me heal? What should I do to help me heal? This is not about slowing down, but about healing. However, healing is going to require that I slow down.

So I did an assessment of my daily activities and divided them into the must dos, I would like to dos and the fun dos that I can put aside. I am going to physical therapy which I believe is one of the best tools for bringing the body back to balance. Further I always eat healthy and exercise and I get plenty of sleep. But when I am awake it is tough for me to slow down.

I need to spend less time at the computer and more time restfully moving. Like going and having my nails done, reading a magazine and just putting my feet up with a cup of tea. I need to teach my classes but I can modify my movements so as to minimize my physical activity. I need to write and work on my projects. But I think I will limit this computer time to only a few short hours a day.

Right now I have time to kick back and rebalance. Right now I have time to refocus. Right now I have time to take care of me. Right now I am just going to slow down and enjoy some quiet moments. This is a must do!  This reminds me of a Neil Young song; Slow Poke. The faster I ran; the further behind.  It is time to slow down.

Doctor Lynn

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