Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips

Pro-Active Anti-Aging Tips
The River of Life

Thursday, October 6, 2016

In The Blink of an Eye – Proactive Aging

This week a friend of mine who I haven’t seen in several years appeared in my Spin Class. He had moved away and not taken my class for nearly eight years. He moved back to town and reappeared like it was yesterday. Suddenly in what seemed like a blink of the eye we reunited after eight years. Where did the time go? Had we changed? Well, yes we both looked a bit older and we both were a bit wiser.

The blink of an eye is an idiom.  An idiom is a word or phrase that is not taken literally. So although in reality it had been eight years since I had seen my friend figuratively it still seemed like the blink of an eye.

Life is like an idiom.  If taken literally it means existence. The literal meaning of death is the end of existence. It’s plain and simple, or is it?  Is life simply existence that flashes by and ends with death? Or is it like an idiom; not to be taken literally? It means something so much more than it’s literal definition.

The blink of an eye lasts only a tenth of a second. That  is all that is needed to clear away dust particles and spread lubricating fluid across the eyeball. Every time you blink your eyelids send a cascade of oils and mucous across the surface of your eye to keep your orbs from drying out. Blinking also keeps the eyes safe from debris and damaging bright lights.

Why don’t we notice the momentary darkness that is caused by the blinking of our eyes? Scientist tells us that the human brain has an uncanny ability for ignoring momentary blackness. Blinking suppresses activity in several area of the brain responsible for detecting environment changes so we experience the world as continuous. No beginning and no end. So life really is an idiom. It is true the last eight years just flew by. Don’t squander time. Every moment counts because before you know it; it will all be over in blink of an eye.

Doctor Lynn

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